I can look into it. In the pinball community, the list itself doesn't have any visible effects on what the industry will create as a new table, but it does have an effect on driving the prices of pinball machines higher or lower depending on their rating. People wondering what makes a medieval madness pinball machine so special, and then seeking one out to experience it might not have happened had they not seen a list like this.
I guess start with a list of criteria into examining a deck of cards. I'm too new to figure that all out, but for pinball machines it asks you to rate smaller aspects at 1-6 stars and then gives an average of all of those aspects combined into a 1-10 score. The website allows for trolls who will give a game an overall 10 or 0, because the law of averages will cancel them out
Anyways I would think categories to rate on a 1-6 level could be artwork, feel, shuffle-ability (?), deck extras, pips, whatever.
It seems like a project for someone who wants to code their own system in their free time as a hobby. I wouldn't know how to do that, I just plug in my own data if I feel like it
And I believe it's affiliated with the united cardist website, but I bet you can somehow link the info from the playing card database somehow into making a ranking system. Kind of like how people have used imdb to create a six degrees to Kevin Bacon game.