Hi everyone.
I am Mat, 37, from Victoria, BC. Although not a card collector myself, my late father was. He collected cards, dice and professional magic tricks for many years.
I am looking to sell my collection without having to part it all out on ebay. I have probably a hundred decks or more (Worshipful etc.). Lots of table magic...Coins, hold-outs etc. And maybe 150 nice dice.
If anyone knows of a collector in Western Canada who might be interested in taking a look at the whole lot please let me know.
Many thanks in advance for any help.
You actually might have the makings of a good collection for an auction house, or a local university. EBay's a hassle, to be sure, but see if you'd make out better with someone like Potter & Potter of Chicago. There's also a good chance that similar auction houses exist in Western Canada, but it seems that P&P gets a healthy share of the playing cards and magic items that go for auction.
No, I'm not shilling for P&P! I know of them only by reputation.
Hopefully, you'll find someone here who's interested. Be advised that we have certain prerequisites for posting sales in our two sales, trades and "in search of" (STISO) boards - the Pasteboard Bazaar for modern decks and Aces and Eights for vintage and antique. Check the Rules topic of each board to learn more.
Let us know if you need any assistance.