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OK, just kidding. I've spent quite a few years doing a variety of things, and over that time I've determined that a good way to actually add a new skill to your repertoire is the following. Now, this works great for me and some folks I've trained, but maybe won't fit you as well. Still, it's worth a try.
Step 1:
This is, by far, the most important step and one that cannot be skipped. This is of core importance. It's a pretty simple one, however. Here it is: Think up a REAL project for yourself. Something you actually want or need. Don't follow tutorials. Don't just read a book. THINK of something (whether that's a drawing, a website, whatever) that you actually want to use in real life. This will give you the incentive to actually create something real, which is incredibly more valuable than running through someone else's material. Once you have this idea, then you can move on.
Step 2:
Work out the details. Write things down, make lists, organize the usage pattern, note down similar things you can take inspiration from, Google competitors, look at source code, see how other people accomplish similar tasks. Without some kind of clear plan or vision, you'll just be wandering around in the dark.
Step 3:
Assemble your tools. Maybe this is software. Maybe a camera. Maybe pen and paper. Get the tools you need. If you are young and poor, perhaps you can, um, "borrow" something for a little while. I'm sure you know where to look.
Step 4:
JUMP IN. Don't mess around with drawing circles or typing in your name. If you have a plan, you know the tasks you need to create. Google them all. "how to add a pattern overlay to a layer in photoshop" Do this every time you get stuck. If searches don't seem to find what you are looking for, reword it. I still do this, almost everyday.
Step 5:
Keep at it until you are done. Maybe it will suck. Maybe it won't work. Maybe it looks terrible. Whatever. You learned something in the process, and numero 2 will be all the better.
Now repeat those 5 steps about 8,321 times over a span of decades and you will be awesome. Go!