I think he's referring to the ultimate deck.
Anyways what do u guys think about the antlers? I personally haven't played with them.
Yeah, I think he was referring to the Strangers Ultimate deck too.
I picked up a few of the Antlers and love them. For me, they feel like the best handling D&D deck ever. Closer to aristocrats than the others, and they faro most easily face down (compared to many of the other D&D decks which like to faro face up).
Your mileage might vary, but hopefully these will stay in good supply so you could just try one or two and order more if you also like them.
My only complaint is the size of the borders on the back - a bit too wide for fans (not as wide as the Voltige, but not as balanced and narrow as the Smoke and Mirrors).
The carbon Smokes are very cool with the metallic ink, and more distinctive - but are also a bit stiff and maybe aimed more for flourishing than magic or game play. The original red smokes are cool on the faces with the custom design. But both of those are very expensive now...
The Voltige are very distinctive as well (with the 1 instead of ace, and many other unique touches), and have that amazing tuck. But the huge wide border on the back prevents me from really getting into them, and I like the feel of the Antlers better.
The Antlers have a more regular tuck, but it is still very nice. The colors are subdued, interesting court colors, and the hearts and diamonds are more brown than bright red, but they work well.
All in all, I really like them, and think they are worth the price (both the regular and the limited edition). I actually grabbed one of the collector's sets to get the leather case, it is pretty nice.
-- Gordie