Wow. Where to begin?
Bicycle logo shown in a manner which USPC will likely reject? Check.
Overly-baroque back design? Check.
Faux-aged paper look, just because they can? Check.
Incredibly over-designed pips and indices? Check.
Said pips being all the same color except for the indices? Check.
Plague doctors as jokers for no special reason? Check.
3-D Computer-generated court characters??? What the what??? That is just nucking futs!
The most original concept in the entire design is the least-likeable - computer-generated courts in an "old-timey" aged deck! Everything else looks like borrowed concepts from first- and second-tier designs made by others. The courts appear exactly like extras from a Renaissance Faire - right clothing, but a modern appearance otherwise, including the Queens' hairstyles - and COMPUTER-GENERATED IN THREE DIMENSIONS. And the eyes - all dull and lifeless! In drawing a playing card, it's the hands that are difficult to make well - in comp-gen art like this, it's the eyes.
I have nothing against computers as creative tools, but something about 3-D art like this doesn't work well. Countless low-budget animators and comic book artists tried 3-D but the people always looked a little too unreal, a little too phony - when was the last time you saw a new 3-D comp-gen comic or cartoon, especially one that didn't look like crap?
Wanna look baroque? Go baroque! Wanna look high-tech a la the 1990s? Go high-tech a la the 1990s! Going both directions at once is too much of a stretch.