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Future Vanda projects - your input requested

Author (Read 502 times)

Future Vanda projects - your input requested
« on: March 23, 2015, 01:36:44 PM »


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Hey all,

As you may know, I have several projects in the works for future Vanda releases. I know what my preferences are and I'm really excited about some of the decks that are planned, but I'm also very interested to hear what you guys think. I feel it's important to get a sense of what you card-lovin' folks like, dislike, and dream about when you envision unpackaging a brand new tuck box. Feel free to answer the questions below or just share any free-form feedback you'd like.


- What is your favorite Vanda deck released to date?
- What are your favorite elements in any of our current decks?
- What were you disappointed about in any of our released decks (in regard to design/print quality...not fulfillment/correspondence)?
- From our instagram feed (, what are you most excited about? and least excited about?
- What outrageous idea would you want the next Vanda deck theme to encompass?
- What else would you like me (as a designer) to know about you or the card collecting community in general?
David Goldklang, Graphic Designer