I want people to do whatever they choose with this deck. I was well aware I was breaking the fundamentals of card design while creating it and I just made the choice - form over function.
My next deck (already in the works) is quite playable I assure you.
~ Mat
This isn't form over function , it's different for the sake of being different, sacrificing good design.
Setting card design aside for a moment and just focusing on the fundamentals of good graphic design, you are eschewing basic design elements just to be different and disrupting any cohesivity the project has.
There isn't anything that says you can't do it, and the artwork has enough merit to carry it, but some of the designs look bad in context of their neighbors, and even a layman would know something was wrong with the design on a fundamental level even if they didn't have the ability to point out what.
You broke the form you clearly, badly, wanted to create since there is no function and the whole thing doesn't work.
You are an amazing artist though, so I'm in!