Typo..., made me laugh...hehe
These are nice Chris. Lovely cards, designs. You put a lot of work in your art, I've seen Dia de los muertos cards, imaginative work there too, I especially liked the Joker there.
However, VIP...are actually brooch designs (looks to me), even though they look great like this, not sure the card collectors will want these. Just my opinion. I'd like to be wrong here.
Few suggestions that might increase the support on KS...
A mock-up pic of tuck would be nice. You've got a flat tuck pic there, but a 3D pic is better. Also, the back, you're not gonna have the back pic on tuck?
Speaking of card Back, that one looks kinda like my Phenographic back, with less details
and that's cool. I just think it does look too simple, would've prefered to see more stuff, design there.
I think you don't need the center line that divides the mirrored image on faces. So much better without the line.
And, you kinda have too few rewards. Only 3. Backers usually like to choose from many options to pledge, not to say that you don't have early birds or some special offers.
And,...14 euros for 1 deck will probably be too much for most (not sure if that includes shipping, it's not too much if it does), since it is a MPC deck I guess you could've gone with a lower goal too. Also, put euro/$ exchange rate on KS page, people don't like to calculate that much