Hi guys, I'm thinning out my collection, because I need money for new cards. I'm seeing some sealed decks I already have or no longer collect.
The shipping is very reasonable with DHL.
I'm shipping from Germany, so I can also offer cheaper shipping for bigger lots within Europe. If you are interested in more decks, pm me and I will get a shipping quote.
If you decide to take all decks, I offer you upto 20% discount on the decks.
If you are also interested in some opened rare decks, this is what I have:
one Massa deck in good condition
one Dan and Dave S&M V2 Smoke deck in perfect condition (not used, only taken out of the box to have a look)
and one Dan and Dave S&M V3 Mirror deck in perfect condition (not used, only taken out of the box to have a look)
the following decks are for sale:
deck available quantity, price per deck (or set if indicated)
red artifice x2, 45$
artifice 2ed blue x1, 7$
artifice 2ed green x1, 7$
master red x1, 8$
Madison Hustlers orange x1, 19$
Monarchs blue x1, 8$
dan and dave
Smoke and mirrors v5 x1, 18$
Smoke and mirrors v6 x1, 15$
conjuring arts
bee erdnase cambric smith back, blue x1, 8$
exquisit red x1, 24$
exquisit blue x2, 14$
red acorn back air cushion finish x1, 14$
red acorn back ivory finish x1, 14$
aristocrat blue x1 5.5$
aristocrat red x1 5.5$
vegas club aristocrat, red x1, 10$
white lions B red x2, 12$
uusi bohemia x1, 20$
bee miracle blue x1, 14$
Dr. Leon, yellow x1, 10$
anglo rugback (white/gold & black/white) x2, 10$
nautic white x1, 7$
nautic pink x1, 7$
big gun red x1, 5,5$
big gun blue x1, 5,5$
Noc White x2, 12$
Pr1me blue x1, 12$
Phoenix deck, limited edition, green x1, 10$
LUXX palme red x2, 13,50$
LUXX palme blue x2, 13,50$
red wynn deck, standard index x1,35$
OHIO printed blue seal aladdin 1001, red, x1, 20$
OHIO printed blue seal aladdin 1001, blue, x1, 20$
OHIO printed Tally Ho blue seal, circle back, x5, 15$
contact me if you are interested and i will get a shipping quote. have a nice day