While MPC has become better at making cards, I wouldn't consider their print work worth $15 a pack (the early bird price), never mind $18. But then again, we're all fussy collector types around here... €8,000 is a huge goal for an MPC deck as well, considering how inexpensive a print job can be from them and how small a run they're willing to make. You could (depending on print run size and features) probably make a deck with Legends or Expert for the same price - and THAT would be a deck worth what you're asking.
Correction: just noticed you're working on making more than one color. Two to start, three if you hit a stretch goal. Still, $15 a pack - too much.
BTW: I wish people would stop calling everything that's slightly less than full-blown images "minimal." It's really not.
From the Wikipedia article on "minimalism":
The term "minimalist" often colloquially refers to anything that is spare or stripped to its essentials.
Your design just doesn't fit the bill. The courts are not "full-blown" courts and are even one-way in design, but minimalist they are not. Your pips are the opposite of minimalist - you've ADDED elements rather than removing them.