Don has some good points about thinking of the mass appeal so your crowdfunding is successful. Your new round of pips, to me, seem like they are on the right track. However, there are useful functions to people who use playing cards, so it's good to think about!
With that said, I would go back to your first pip sketch: the pips are a little narrower, the lines are tighter so there's not as much white space inside, the shorter stems are nice, and there's a hand drawn feel that pairs well with act of carving these in stone. (I can see your number cards with these hand drawn/carved pips, could be beautiful).
And I agree with Don that each pip should be distinct from one another. For example, i think the clubs could benefit more space between the leaves or 'lobes.(What are they officially called? ha!).
You talked about runes being an inspiration, but there are a lot of curves in the designs, too, so I don't think it would be a departure if you soften up the geometric shapes you presented for your pips.
Good luck!