Thanks Hank!!
Hey Don,
I guess that rules out USPCC!! Just kidding, but not really.
Legends will be printing them. Lawrence and I have been already talking over details on the printing features I want to use for the Tucks, and the Limited Toga Sleeves.
I'm being very careful with the color builds and size of the Black feather edge of the diagonal banner. The 30, 30, 30, 100 Rich Black extends a little over 1/8" into the banner area, before shifting to the dominant magenta and yellow inks that make-up the Red areas of the banner (and same with the future Clubs and Spades banner of a different color). That 1/8" "border" is probably double the width of the white feather border on the Empire Cards. It should be all good. Especially with the great registration of the LPCC / EPCC printer!
Thanks, Randy