At a glance...
Including serially-numbered versions, you're offering SIX different decks, right? It's a little complex and a lot to offer in a single project. Why not simply serially number ALL of the decks, reducing the total variations to only three? As it stands, your reward tiers read like novels - way too long and complicated. Keep it SIMPLE, even if it means offering more tiers or using something like BackerKit for managing add-ons.
Get FIRMER details on what exactly is being offered. Saying that you haven't decided what tuck material will be used sounds like there's too much uncertainty about the deck. It might come across better if you simply picked a known material, then offered this newer, "silky" material as a stretch goal if it is indeed all that and a bag of chips - you can use it as an incentive for raising people's investment levels, while at the same time giving backers the impression that you've got all the details nailed down and know what you're doing and what you're giving them.
I like the three-deck box - it's a unique offering that I haven't seen elsewhere.
Instead of offering "free [widget] when the stretch goal is reached," consider lowering the price of that tier and simply offering the widget separately. Dealer coin - separate. Leather case - separate. Simple, easy - right?