Hi Don,
Yes, the back is going to be completely redesigned with inspiration from Mehndi/Henna designs. The focus is on making the back stand out from the rest of the cards with fans looking way nicer.
There may not be any metallic gold ink print or gold foil because it sometimes make things a bit complicated and adds to the cost as well. Given the no. of decks being released nowadays, and the usual competition, and more importantly, when people see any new deck coming from a first time creator, I think it is better to price it right and giving people an incentive to back it then and there rather than wait for it to appear on some shopping site.
I've got a few things in mind regarding pricing, but let me share more updates on the deck and will definitely look for guidance on other aspects before launch.
PS: Yes, I may not repeat the pale/dark pip, but still will try how it looks with new background and colors. I got one deck with old designs printed by MPC, and had a few games played with friends and family. No one did complain of any confusion apart from minor inconvenience of handling the court cards due to indices on one side.