Hello Everyone!
I know its been awhile since I have posted.
I want to personally thank everyone here at playingcardforum. for your incredible support and having my kickstarter campaign link here.
https://goo.gl/GRARdAI am really happy to be here and share my love of playing cards with you all. My previous campaign was The Four Seasons playing cards.
I added quite a bit of detail on these and worked just over 10 months on them and wanted to dress the card in their suits. I have put subtle hints on alot of the cards so you will keep noticing new things to make them extra special. Such as the Jack of Hearts (Vampire, diamonds) the little teddy bear she carries has a rip on it in the shape of a diamond. And her veil she wears which are more easier to spot having shapes of diamonds and in red.
And story behind the card, Such as the Suicide King, King of hearts aiming a pistol to his head and his reflected side of monster side showing his unsuccessful suicide attempt as the Werewolf holds the silver bullet in his hands. I don't want to spoil anything else.
The Tuck box
I wanted the Ace cards to reprent the suit well such as some having the shape of the suit e.g Spades
Witch AceAlso to make the deck extra special I would love you guys to be part of the art like before in the Four Seasons I had 4 backers to be as the joker cards. This campaign there will be 8! 4 monster jokers for the standard deck and 4 Monster Hunter/slayers in the limited edition deck (Only 666 exist)
Brings me great pleasure to share them with you.
Hope you enjoy them!
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