Try Gary Plants. He can make you whatever you want and he's one of the best there is. His site is
Thanks for replying.
I emailed him abd he said he can"t make it.
Any more ideas? i saw andrew kelly preforme with those cards and i really want it.
There's nothing stopping you from making them yourself.
Back when he was still working with the Blue Crown, Kevin Reylek produced a DVD called "Cannibal," a very clever variation on the "Cannibal Kings" routine. In the video, he teaches about dry card splitting - separating the face and back of a card in such a way that they can be re-glued as close to seamlessly as possible. With that video and a pair of forcing decks, one for the Four of Spades and one for the Queen of Hearts (and you can specify which card you get a forcing deck for in some magic shops), you can create an entire deck of nothing but double-faced 4S/QH cards. (Plus you can make a mess of double backers with the leftovers! Not to mention that you can learn "Cannibal," a pretty cool trick in itself!) The video will also recommend what adhesives work best when re-gluing cards back together. It will require practice to do it well, but after a while, you'll be able to achieve expert results - I suggest getting a plain old pack or two of Bicycle Standards to practice with until you get the hang of it.'s $19.95 for the DVD or $17.95 as a digital download.
It's also available in magic shops that carry Blue Crown merchandise.