I want to give each of my nieces and nephews (and adult friends) these...to color and give back to me! I want them to color the boxes, too!
I really, really like these. If you can't find someone to offer an uncoated playing card stock, I'd be interested in them even if they were printed with a traditional printer (as opposed to a playing card company). Sure, they'll wear out quickly in either case. Sure, the crayon or colored pencil might smudge on the next card's back, but I'm not exactly going to wear them out bringing them to the poker table. Bonus points if you can find an opaque stock that could handle crayons, colored pencils,
or markers without soaking / ruining the back design.
For me to give the kids, I think they're awesome. They function much like a coloring book.
For me, though, (and ~some~ of my adult friends
), I would prefer room for creativity beyond coloring. Thinking of traditional court cards, I'd like to be able to draw the their faces, crowns, or even their outfits and gear. I humbly suggest a more traditional design, less structured...and more looking "like people," as Don suggests.
Stretch goal idea - a less-structured second deck? A grown-ups version? Something like that?
I'm down for a couple decks if I have to use permanent markers. I'm down for six if the cardstock works with the crayons, colored pencils, and markers that my young nieces and nephews are allowed to use and already have. I'm down for a couple extra in a grown-ups version.