My collection is here:
I hope to update it as soon as I get new decks.
Nice beginning - good set of cards.
I have lately been advising modern deck collectors to not go crazy trying to get the older custom decks. They often end up being pretty costly, and while they may be attractive, gorgeous, rare, etc., there's so many custom decks coming out now it's like being in a New York subway station - there's ALWAYS another train coming; maybe not now, maybe not today, but eventually another train does come! Getting in on the new stuff at the ground floor retail price is so much better than paying through the nose for the same deck a year or two down the road.
Of course, I'm not advising people to never buy older decks - just to not let the "gotta get'em all" mentality take over. Remember, instead of paying big bucks, today's rare decks can be used as trading fodder for yesterday's rare decks! Buy extras at retail so you can trade them off for the older stuff you can't live without.