I've been busy and haven't had an opportunity to organize or even put decks away that have been arriving since the holidays. I took today as an opportunity to go ahead and start on that. While doing so I thought, great time to snap a few photos. Life came up though and I didn't get to do all I wanted, but I'm glad I was able to get a few quick shots done to share. The majority of the decks I didn't get shots of are mainly restocks you've all seen before. I love them though so if someone has their heart seeing some of the restocks, I'll try to grab a photo sometime soon. They're just bricks of staples. My favorite deck Tally-Ho circle backs for example, stuff like that. Everything is new to me minus the Love Me and Sentinels, which are replacements.
I love this silly boat! It's a lot of fun. If I wasn't a desert dweller and afraid of the ocean, I'd have a boat haha. The gold mini deck that snuck in is Home Run 8 bit mini gold. It was near from a game of solitaire last night figured I'd toss it in, since it was just right there. Same photo shows off my Bankroll edition, yes gents I managed to score one! Not only that, I won the poker game we used the standards in so it came back home with me. By the way absolutely splendid deck, among the best I've had the pleasure to play with can't recommend it enough even though that weird slip case gets in the way haha. Although I can't really use it, the kid in me is smitten with that big ass Steampunk Bandits. It's just cool as hell to me.